

Don't be shy, tell us all about YOUR BIGGEST KITCHEN DISASTERS.

Have you started a fire on your stove or in your oven? Accidently put the mixer at the highest speed and splashed batter and powdered sugar every where? Spilled tomato sauce and olive oil all over the floor when you are making pasta for 2000 people, and then only 500 of them showed up? Overfilled a pan and had it explode in your oven? Dropped a 2 gallon bottle of vinaigrette salad dressing? Put hot oil into a plastic tupperware bowl on top of a counter that is not heat-safe? Overcooked your caramel? Touched the handle of a hot pan while blackening fish? Spilled gelatin on the floor of a walk-in fridge? Forced raw chicken livers through a sieve and splashed the remains on every surface possible? Well, I have. Tell us your messy, painful, and comical kitchen disasters. What happened? how did you clean it up? What did you learn that the rest of us should know?


Liz T. said...

The biggest disaster of my career is still when I spilled aspic, which is water mixed with gelatin that is set just enough to thicken. I had the American Culinary Federation Cold Food Salon competition in 9 hours. It was 3 am, and I had A LOT to do. Of course, I spilled the aspic, a whole lot of it, in the FRIDGE! IT immediately set up, and turned into an ice skating rink made of gelatin. I got hot water in a mop bucket and on rags. It took a loooonnnnng time to clean up. I went to bed at 4 am. In the end, the long night paid off, because I earned myself a silver medal at the competition.

Esther/Mom/Grandma said...

Congratulations on the silver medal! I have had a lot of kitchen disasters in the food taste department, but the craziest kitchen disaster was when I was pregant with Micah. I put a pot of water on to boil for maca and cheese, then had to run to the bathroom, as all 8+ month-pregnant women do. As I was leaving the bathroom, I heard a smoke alarm go off and ran into the kitchen to see flames and smoke coming from the stovetop - I soon discovered that I had turned on the wrong burner, and a blue plastic ice cube tray was sitting on that one, and it got melted onto the burner. I was able to put the fire out quickly enough (probably with baking soda) but I had to really scrape to get that blue melted plastic off of the stove! Yuck, what a mess!

Anonymous said...

Great stories! You know, nothing comes to mind for me... But it could just be that I block those types of memories. :-)

Sue said...

That was a great story! As a stay at home Mom, I usually only cook for my family, and my disaster stories aren't that interesting. Just things like little spills, forgetting an ingredient, over/under cooking. BORING! :)