
The Easiest Beef Dip Sandwich

Hey, That's Too Easy!

Some days you are just too tired and too busy to make a big dinner, yet you want something savory and satisfying. Here is a solution for those non-stop or those lazy days. I saw this smart idea on a recipe blog at complimentstothechef.blogspot.com. This has got to be up there on my Top 10 favorite meals.

Yield: 1 sandwich


2 Slices ROAST BEEF sliced thin from your local deli

1 Slice of SWISS CHEESE sliced thin from your local deli


1 HOGI BUN or loaf of FRENCH BREAD from your local bakery, with 2 Tbsp of butter for toasting if you wish (Any large bun or roll that is not too soft will work)

AU JUS packet or 1 1/2 tsp -1 Tbsp BEEF GRANULES/Beef Bouillion

Place the Roast Beef and Swiss Cheese with the Cream Cheese sandwiched in the middle on a microwave safe plate and microwave for 45 seconds (You can also put them on a hot griddle or a hot pan for 30 seconds).

If using a French Bread Loaf, slice it into about 5 inch pieces and then 1/2 them. If you wish to toast the buns, place them with a small amount of butter in a hot pan or on a hot griddle until they reach desired brownness. You can also crisp it up by putting the sandwich on a pan, leaving it open-faced, and broiling it in the oven.

Garnish your sandwich with more creamcheese, mayonnaise, mustard, or whatever condiments sound tastey to you!


If using a packet, follow packet directions.

If using Beef Granules or Beef Bouillion, boil 1 1/2 cups water and add desired amount of bouillion or granules. I usually add 1 tbsp of granules because I like it strong. Allow the bouillion or granules to disolve, and then remove from heat. If it is too strong, add a little water. If it is not strong enough, bring the mixture back up to a boil and add more granules or bouillion. Serve in a wide mouthed bowl or cup with the sandwich. Happy dipping!

1 comment:

Julie Bradshaw said...

sister i tried this AMAZING!!! thanks for the tip