


These go fast, so I like to double the recipe. You can make them mini or original sized. My favorite is the mini size, and they take less time to bake. Thanks to Rochelle for this cute recipe. Homemade oreos have always been some of my favorite treats, and I never knew a good way to make them until now.

YIELD: 10 - 20 Cookies



2 Eggs

YOUR FAVORITE FROSTING for the filling (My favorite is classic vanilla)

1. Preheat oven to 350○

2. Mix together the Cake Mix, Shortening, and Eggs in a stand mixer with the paddle attachment. The batter will be very thick.

If you do not have a stand mixer, mix the ingredients in a bowl with a wooden spoon. The batter gets too thick for a hand mixer. Also, when mixed with a wooden spoon, the cookies will spread more during cooking time, so only make the mini sized variation.

3. Scoop the batter and form into balls using your fingers. For mini cookies scoop with a teaspoon, for original sized cookies use a tablespoon. Place the balls on an ungreased cookie sheet with a 1/2 inch between each. I can fit 20 on a sheet, and I can get up to 4 sheets out of a batch.

4. Bake in the oven: 8 min. for mini cookies and 11-15 min. for original cookies. They should be slightly cracked and very soft with just the sligtest bit of crustiness on the top. Use a flat spatula to place them on a wire rack to cool. Remember, cookies keep cooking after you take them out of the oven.

5. Turn the cookies upside down and pipe your favorite frosting onto half of the cookies using a piping bag or make your own by cutting one of the corners off of a ziplock bag. Put the unfrosted cookies on top of the frosted ones to make your very own oreos!


You can use other flavors of cake mix. Try out yellow, strawberry, or spice cake!
Any frosting is great too. You could try out mint, creamcheese, or lemon.
Make what tastes good to you and tell us all about it.


Mandy said...

Mmmm...I made these once but instead of frosting you put marshmallows in the middle. It didn't work quite so well, the marshmallows expanded way too much and then when they cooled all the cookies were stuck together. I like the frosting idea, it sounds yummier too. I'll have to try them.

Liz T. said...

Try out bottled marshmellow cream from the store instead of actual marshmellows. It will work much better. When these are filled with marshmellow filling they become a Whoopie Pie, which is a classic New England treat!

Jamie Younker said...

This is one of my favorite recipes! I use it all the time... Try butter pecan cake mix with cream cheese frosting... mmmmmboy!

Sue said...

Yum! What an easy recipe! (my kind of cooking :)