

Have you ever cooked with a wok before? I just got one out here from somebody, and have never used one before. I'm thinking of starting out with some stirfry, got any tips?

Liz's A:
One of the most delightful ways to prepare a meal is in a wok. It is one of the oldest cooking devices, and it is no surprise that it is still popular today. Stirfries are especially good to do in a wok
Wok's are very high heat, so here are 3 simple tips to keep in mind when using one:

1. Have all items to be cooked in the wok cut into small, thin pieces; meat and chicken should be especially thin so they can cook quickly and completely

2. Have all items cut about the same size

3. If not using a non-stick wok, lightly grease and heat a small amount of oil in the bottom before cooking. Treat your wok much like a dutch oven by wiping it out instead of using soap and water, also lightly grease it before storing to prevent rust.

Make an EASY stir fry, Liz's Simple Chicken Stir Fry: http://tastethisliz.blogspot.com/2008/12/lizs-simple-chicken-stir-fry-can-be.html

Share your own wok tips in the comment box of this post.


Sue said...

Awesome! Do you have any great stir fry recipes? A tried and true sauce or meat and vegi combo?

Liz T. said...

I sure do, find an EASY stir fry recipe, Liz's Simple Chicken Stir Fry at: http://tastethisliz.blogspot.com/2008/12/lizs-simple-chicken-stir-fry-can-be.html